You are searching for a home loan provider since a long time and we are assisting customers in getting best home loans since a very long time. Whatever your financial needs are, just let us know and we will work out the best options for you. At the a end of the day our objective is to generate more and more smiles every day because WE KNOW how wonderful the feeling is, when you own a house!
Advantages of taking a home loan
Sense of Accomplishment
Buying a home is one of the biggest financial investments you may make in your lifetime; and that’s not just because of the sentimental value. The sum that most of us sink into our home does make it the largest component of our investment portfolio!
Low Interest Rate
Buying a home is a long-term decision of over a 10-year period; the interest rates may go through several up and down cycles. Therefore, you can be sure that you will benefit from falling rates at some point in the cycle.
Capital Appreciation
Construction costs alone, which account for more than 70 per cent of the flat’s cost, have risen at 15 per cent annually in the past decade. Rents too seem to keep up with inflation; making a home one of the few investments can shield you from inflation for the long term.
Tax Benefit
The interest payable for the pre-acquisition or pre-construction period would be deductible in five equal annual instalments commencing from the year in which the house has been acquired or constructed.